26 September 2015

Swedish Patient Journal (Svensk Patient Journal)

This letter was addressed to the following swedish authorities:


Swedish text:


Jag har utvecklat en Android databas app: Svensk Patient Journal, som motsvarar en offline patient-sida liknande Cambio Cosmiq.

Dvs man integrerar och lagrar lokalt hela historiken för en viss patient: besök, behandlingar, undersökningar, labbprover, vårdenheter, vårdpersonal som utfört respektive tjänster, tidsmoment.
Man också integrerat läkemedels och recept status sida samt licens status från Läkemedelsverket, liknande Mina Vårdkontakter.
Också finns integrerat en patientanteckningar databas del med historik och beskrivning på olika hälsorelaterade händelser, bieffekter från mediciner, osv.
Likadant för tandvård.
Största skillnaden mot Cambio Cosmic är att man behöver ej online uppkoppling mot en server, allt lagras lokalt i en databas.
Programmet tillåter flera personer (familj) skapa lokala konton med login.
Kryptering finns: AES 128 bitar.

Programmet är utvecklat för Android i dagens läge.
Är modulärt strukturerad och flera moduler kan ihop kopplas.
All information är sökbar via natural syntax querries (ord  och logiska operatorer).
Man kan också direkt skicka via app olika slags information direkt till ansvarige läkare på vårdcentral eller personal på sjukhus.
Nyttigt när man larmar.
Man kan också skicka/lagra GPS position för larm (nyttigt för äldre som går vilse).
Man kan också lokalt skriva ut information.

Programmet är tänkt att bli som en standard inom sjukvård för alla patienter och kan installeras på vilken Android smartphone eller tablett som helst.
Jag skriver till er eftersom jag gärna ser att programmet vidare utvecklas och anpassas efter lokala (regions) behov eller samma stor modulär arkitektur för hela Sverige.

Jag skulle gärna starta som en storskaligt projekt ihop med olika eller alla landsting(regioner) och Socialdepartamentet.
Alternativt med Inera eller Cambio.

Jag också bifogar skärmdumpar för att ni ska få en aning om olika menyer och struktur.

Jag avvaktar gärna era synpunkter och eventuella specifika behov för att inkluderas i programmet.

Det är första Android program av detta slag i Sverige, patient inriktad, som ihop kopplar komplett medicinsk information för en patient.

Med vänliga hälsningar,

Zeno Sloim

English translation:


I have developed an Android app database: Swedish Patient Journal, which corresponds to an offline patient-side alike Cambio Cosmiq.

It integrates and stores locally the whole history of a given patient: visits, treatments, examinations, lab tests, health units, which health professionals performed the respective services, timestamps.
It also integrates pharmaceutical and prescription status page and the license status of the Medical Products Agency, like My Healthcare Contacts.
Also available integrated patient notes database, part of the history and description of the various health-related events, side effects from medications, etc.
Similarly for dental care.
The biggest difference to Cambio Cosmic is that you do not need online access to a server, everything is stored locally in a database.
The program allows multiple people (family) create local accounts to login.
The encryption is: AES 128 bits.

The program was developed for Android at present.
It's modular structured and multiple modules can be connected together.
All information is searchable via the natural syntax querries (words and logic operators).
You can also directly send via app a variety of information directly to the responsible doctor at the health center or hospital personnel.
Useful when alarm.
One can also send / store the GPS position of the alarm (useful for older people who go astray).
You can also locally print information.

The program is intended to become a standard of care for all patients, and can be installed on any Android smartphone or tablet anytime.
I write to you because I would like to see the program further developed and adapted to local (region) needs or the large modular architecture
for the whole of Sweden.

I would love to start a large-scale project together with various or all counties (regions) and Socialdepartamentet.
Alternatively with Inera or Cambio.

I also provide screenshots for you to get an idea about the different menus and structure.

I'm waiting for your comments and any specific requirements to be included in the program.

It is the first Android program of this kind in Sweden, patient-oriented, which together connects complete medical information for a patient.


Zeno Sloim

25 February 2015

Zeno Sloim Total Penetration Suite v1.0 build 2015-02-05 offert sent to state authorities

Zeno Sloim Total Penetration Suite v1.0 build 2015-02-05 offert sent to state authorities (government / ministry of defence / ministry of interior / organizations) of:

USA, Canada, Mexic, Brazil, Argentina, NATO, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India, Indonesia, Australia, Japan, among others.

11 February 2015

Zeno Sloim Total Penetration Suite v1.0 build 2015-02-05

Zeno Sloim Total Penetration Suite v1.0 build 2015-02-05

A modularised program to byepass/penetrate/stealth modify/ main corporate security products on the market.

Modules for:
- byepass encryption software: McAfee Endpoint Encryption, Symantec Endpoint Encryption
- penetrate/stealth modify security suites: McAfee Endpoint Security and all other McAfee Security products, Symantec Endpoint Security and all other Symantec Security products
- byepass/stealth modify Active Directory and Rights Management: Avecto Privilege Guard and all other Avecto products

Further modules will be added for other major security software products and brands.

Program is based on yet undisclosed vulnerabilities/backdoors in: Linux, Apache, Intel x86/x64 architecture, Windows x86/x64 architecture.
Affected operating systems: Microsoft Windows any version, Linux certain distributions.

The program is totally undetectable by any actual security software.
Tested among others, with: Kaspersky, Symantec, ESET, F-Secure, BitDefender, McAfee, Sophos.

The program is sold only to state/government agencies/authorities or security departments in corporations (upon motivation).
According to European Union legislation, certain countries are not eligible to buy it.
Prices start from 1,000,000$ for simple license, up to 50,000,000$ for large government agencies and depending on incorporated modules.
Demonstration of program and selling is done only in Linköping, Sweden.

Address your inquiries only under written form to:

Zeno Sloim
Mårdtorpsgatan 23
58432 Linköping

