03 December 2017

171203 - Famous Softwares Shame-list and spying

171203 - Famous Softwares Shame-list and spying

Just few coments on new-old trends of spying via softwares which shamelessly pretend to defend your privacy.
Despite contacting the authors few years ago and promises, nothing yet.
But on contrary, new spying methods introduced, under the umbrella of improvements, new features, bug updates, and so on.
In reality, the old issues were totally ignored.

1. Mozilla Firefox.
- years ago asked for local import of bookmarks (html file)in Android.
- nothing yet

- recent blacklist and coming future block of MHT plugins, allowing only third-part cloud solutions for it
- from now on, all your saved files will be reported to U.S. authorities

- WebRTC introduced in recent versions of almost all browsers, bypasses VPN proxy solutions, revealing your real IP
- Mozilla Firefox, Chrome,...list is long...
- same in Android
- however still exist browsers in which WebRTC can be disabled

2. Siber Systems AI RoboForm
- years ago asked for local import of bookmarks (RFP files)in Android.
- nothing yet
- all your data is in cloud, at disposal of U.S. authorities